
This is where the ‘rubber hits the road’ – where the focus is on working together in change. Here are suggestions on how to navigate and work with uncertainty and change from two different perspectives:

Navigating Change Icon

Navigating Ongoing Change

Navigating the arc of ongoing change in a team or organisation. This section provides context for specific elements and cycles of change that work in ongoing complexity and uncertainty.

Elements and Cycles:

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Phases of Change and uncertainty

A change process – using different lenses or models to identify particular phases or states of a change process.

  • Navigating Uncertainty – Oasis School of Human Relations
    • Responding to Need – Adapt, recharge and stay well through tough times
    • Responding to Resilience – Learning how to make falling down and getting back up again one action
    • Reintegrating to the New Normal – Going back to before is not an option
    • Reimagining the future – Our ability to shape our future is only limited by our imagination and our ability to work together
    • Radical reinvention – It is easier to act our way into a new way of thinking than to think our way into a new way of acting
  • ShuHaRi – Claire Maxwell, North Star Housing Group, GRLI (Global Responsible Leadership Initiative) Foundation